New York State Department of Public Service in its latest order rightly identified need for Medium and Heavy duty (MD/HD) vehicle electrification. But efforts need to be accelerated given disproportionate impact of truck and other MD/HD vehicle led pollution in Low and Medium Income communities. More than 200 warehouses and depots are located in Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn areas with poverty levels of around 20% or more.
NYSERDA has committed $20 million Prize for Medium and Heavy Duty innovation and another $40 million for LMI/EJ community centered innovation.
Following are some key elements.
The Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fleet Make-Ready Pilot Program in Con Edison’s service territory shall mimic the “Fleet DC Fast Charger Make-Ready Program” approved in their most recent major rate filing.
Con Edison shall implement the Fleet DC Fast Charger Make-Ready Program eligibility and program rules and provide $9 million in total budget
O&R to develop Program Implementation Plans in consultation with Staff and in accordance with the program elements outlined below, to be filed within 90 days of issuance of this Order.
Participants in the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fleet Make- Ready Pilot Program that purchase the vehicle through NYSERDA’s Truck Voucher Incentive Program will receive up to 90 percent of the utility-side make-ready infrastructure upgrade costs.
Program in EJ/LMI of particular interest
ConEd to conduct survey of their fleet DC fast charger program participants