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New York's small steps towards Medium and Heavy duty Vehicle electrification

Writer's picture: vrindaincvrindainc

New York State Department of Public Service in its latest order rightly identified need for Medium and Heavy duty (MD/HD) vehicle electrification. But efforts need to be accelerated given disproportionate impact of truck and other MD/HD vehicle led pollution in Low and Medium Income communities. More than 200 warehouses and depots are located in Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn areas with poverty levels of around 20% or more.

NYSERDA has committed $20 million Prize for Medium and Heavy Duty innovation and another $40 million for LMI/EJ community centered innovation.

Following are some key elements.

  • The Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fleet Make-Ready Pilot Program in Con Edison’s service territory shall mimic the “Fleet DC Fast Charger Make-Ready Program” approved in their most recent major rate filing.

  • Con Edison shall implement the Fleet DC Fast Charger Make-Ready Program eligibility and program rules and provide $9 million in total budget

  • O&R to develop Program Implementation Plans in consultation with Staff and in accordance with the program elements outlined below, to be filed within 90 days of issuance of this Order.

  • Participants in the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fleet Make- Ready Pilot Program that purchase the vehicle through NYSERDA’s Truck Voucher Incentive Program will receive up to 90 percent of the utility-side make-ready infrastructure upgrade costs.

  • Program in EJ/LMI of particular interest

  • ConEd to conduct survey of their fleet DC fast charger program participants

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